How to Dry Feather Pillows Without a Dryer: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re wondering how to dry feather pillows without a dryer, this comprehensive guide is here to help. Whether it’s an unexpected breakdown of your dryer or you prefer a gentler approach, drying feather pillows without a dryer is a common and solvable task. Follow these steps to ensure your pillows remain fluffy and comfortable.

How to Dry Feather Pillows Without a Dryer
From by Jens Mahnke

How to Dry Feather Pillows Without a Dryer: Preparation

Before you proceed to dry your feather pillows without a dryer, make sure you gather all the required tools and set up your drying area.

  1. Find a clean, dry place: Select an area with good air circulation. An airy room or a shaded outdoor spot would be ideal.
  2. Collect necessary tools: Have towels and a fan (optional) ready.

Removing Excess Water

It’s essential to remove as much water as possible before letting the pillows air dry. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press gently: Lay your pillows between towels and press gently to remove excess water.
  2. Roll and press: Roll the pillows in a dry towel, applying mild pressure to soak up more water.
  3. Repeat if needed: If the pillows are still damp, repeat with dry towels.

For more articles on how to wash pillows, click here: How to Wash Pillows: Your Complete Guide to Clean, Fresh, and Inviting Sleep Haven

Air Drying

Now, it’s time to let the pillows air dry. Here’s the process:

  1. Place on a rack or line: Position your pillows on a clean drying rack or clothesline.
  2. Flip regularly: Every few hours, flip the pillows to ensure even drying.
  3. Use a fan (optional): If available, use a fan to circulate air around the pillows, speeding up drying time.
See also  How to Wash Pillow Cases: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Ultimate Cleanliness

Fluffing the Pillows

Once your pillows are dry, you’ll want to fluff them back to their original shape. Here’s how:

  1. Hand-fluff: Shake and squeeze the pillows to break up any clumps of feathers.
  2. Use a tennis ball (optional): Place the pillows in a large bag with a tennis ball and shake gently. This helps to restore the pillows’ fluffiness.


Drying feather pillows without a dryer is a straightforward task that anyone can do. Following this guide on how to dry feather pillows without a dryer ensures that you maintain the quality and comfort of your pillows. Happy drying!