How to Wash an 80 Cotton/20 Polyester Hoodie: Your Comprehensive Guide

If you’re wondering how to wash an 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie without damaging the fabric, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through a foolproof step-by-step process.

How to Wash an 80 Cotton/20 Polyester Hoodie
From by Nikolai Ulltang

Preparing Your Hoodie for Washing

Before you start washing your 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie, it’s crucial to prepare it properly to ensure optimal cleaning without damage. Here are some detailed steps:

Empty the Pockets

The first thing you want to do is make sure the pockets are empty. You’d be surprised how often items like tissues, coins, or even small gadgets are forgotten in pockets and end up going through the wash. These could not only ruin your hoodie but also potentially damage your washing machine.

Zip Up Any Zippers

If your hoodie has a zipper, make sure it’s completely zipped up. This will help prevent the zipper teeth from snagging on other clothes or even on the hoodie itself. It also reduces the risk of the zipper getting twisted or misshapen during the wash.

Turn the Hoodie Inside Out

Turning your hoodie inside out can offer an extra layer of protection to the external fabric and graphic designs. This technique minimizes the friction between the hoodie and other clothing or the walls of the machine, thus reducing pilling and wear-and-tear on the outer surface.

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Choosing the Right Detergent

Your 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie needs special attention when it comes to detergents because of its blended fabric. Choose a detergent labeled ‘gentle’ or ‘mild.’ These detergents are free from harsh chemicals and are less likely to cause fading or damage to the fibers.

Brightening agents or bleach may cause the color of your hoodie to fade, or create splotchy discolorations. Always read the detergent label to ensure it is free from these agents.

Machine Wash Guidelines

Machine washing is generally safe for an 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie, but proper settings are key. Position your prepped hoodie into the washing machine. For best results, don’t overload the machine; this allows for thorough cleaning and minimizes friction.

Select cold or lukewarm water for the wash. High temperatures can cause the fabric to shrink and colors to fade. The delicate cycle mimics hand washing by gently agitating the water, reducing the wear on your hoodie. Once everything is set, start the washing machine and let it complete its cycle.

Hand Wash Alternative

Hand washing your 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie can be an excellent alternative to machine washing. The process offers a level of control that machines can’t match, but it does require a bit of time and effort on your part. Here’s a more in-depth look at each step:

Prepare Your Washing Station

Choose a clean sink or a large basin to be your washing station. Make sure it’s clean to prevent transferring any dirt or residues back onto your hoodie.

Fill With Cold Water

Begin by filling your sink or basin with cold water. Cold water is generally gentler on both fabric and color, reducing the risk of shrinkage or fading. Fill it enough to fully submerge the hoodie.

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Add Mild Detergent

Pour a small quantity—usually a tablespoon should suffice—of your chosen mild detergent into the water. Stir the water to ensure the detergent is evenly distributed. This creates a soapy solution that’s effective yet gentle on your hoodie.

Pre-Soak for Stubborn Stains (Optional)

If your hoodie has stubborn stains, you might want to consider pre-soaking it for about 30 minutes in the detergent solution before the main wash.

Agitate the Hoodie

Submerge your hoodie fully in the detergent solution. Using your hands, gently agitate the fabric by moving it around in the water. Focus on areas that are particularly dirty or stained. Continue this for about 5-10 minutes.

Inspect for Remaining Stains

After agitation, take a moment to inspect the hoodie. If you find lingering stains, you might want to repeat the agitation process, focusing on those specific areas.

Rinse Thoroughly

Drain the soapy water from the sink or basin. Rinse the hoodie thoroughly under cold running water. It’s crucial to remove all detergent from the fabric as any leftover detergent can attract dirt and even irritate the skin.

Double-Check for Detergent Residue

After you think you’ve rinsed it all out, give it another quick check. Squeeze the fabric and look for soap suds. If you see any, continue rinsing until the water runs clear.

Drying Your Hoodie

Drying your hoodie properly is crucial in maintaining its shape and fit. After the wash cycle is complete or after rinsing in hand wash, remove your hoodie.

The best way to dry your hoodie is to hang it on a drying rack or line dry it. This method allows the fabric to breathe and retain its shape. Avoid using a tumble dryer as high heat can cause the hoodie to shrink and can also weaken the fibers over time.

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For more articles on how to wash, click here: How to Wash: Your Comprehensive Guide to Clothing and Fashion Care

Conclusion: How to Wash an 80 Cotton/20 Polyester Hoodie

Taking proper care of your 80 cotton/20 polyester hoodie is essential for its longevity and appearance. By following these detailed guidelines, you can ensure that your hoodie remains as vibrant and comfortable as the day you bought it. From the preparatory steps to choosing the right detergent, each phase plays a critical role.

Whether you opt for machine washing or prefer the traditional hand wash, understanding the nuances of each step can make all the difference. And let’s not forget the importance of proper drying techniques, which can prevent shrinkage and fiber damage. So the next time you’re about to throw your hoodie into the wash, take a moment to apply these steps. Your hoodie will thank you, and so will your wallet.