How to Wash Astral Shoes: The Ultimate Guide for Long-Lasting Footwear

Are you wondering how to wash Astral shoes properly? Worry no more. This step-by-step guide simplifies the process for you, ensuring your Astral shoes look and feel like new for longer.

How to Wash Astral Shoes
From by Oziel Gomez

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary materials at hand. You’ll need:

A soft brush

Mild detergent

A bucket or sink

Clean water


Step 2: Remove Excess Dirt

Before you begin, take a moment to assess the state of your Astral shoes. Look for areas that are particularly dirty or have hardened mud. This will give you an idea of where to focus your efforts.

Now take your soft brush and gently begin brushing off surface dirt from the upper parts of the shoes. Use smooth, sweeping motions and avoid vigorous scrubbing to prevent material damage.

Flip your shoes over and focus on the soles. Dirt often accumulates in the crevices here. Use the brush to dislodge any stones, sticks, or caked mud. Feel free to apply a little more pressure on the soles as they are generally more robust than the upper material.

Pay special attention to areas around the laces, the tongue, and the back of the heel. Dirt tends to hide in these areas. If there’s caked mud, it may be helpful to use a blunt object like a spoon handle to remove it, then follow with your brush to eliminate any residual dirt.

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Once you think you’ve brushed off all the dirt, inspect the shoes one more time to make sure you haven’t missed any spots. If you did, go back and attend to those areas.

Step 3: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Select a bucket or a sink that can comfortably fit your Astral shoes. You’ll need enough space for both shoes to be fully submerged in the water.

Pour clean, cold or lukewarm water into your chosen container. Avoid hot water, as it may damage the material of your shoes. Add a small amount of mild detergent to the water. A teaspoon of detergent for every gallon of water is generally a good ratio.

Take a long-handled spoon or a stick and stir the water-detergent mixture until it forms suds. The suds indicate that the detergent is well-distributed in the water, ensuring effective cleaning.

Before you immerse your shoes, it’s advisable to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the shoe to make sure it doesn’t damage the material or cause discoloration. If the test spot handles the solution well, you’re ready to proceed.

Step 4: Submerge the Shoes

Before dropping your Astral shoes into the cleaning solution, make sure the bucket or sink is on a flat surface to avoid spillage. You’ll also want to ensure you have enough space around the container to comfortably maneuver as you clean the shoes.

Carefully place your Astral shoes into the prepared cleaning solution. It’s essential to ensure that the shoes are completely submerged so that all areas get adequately cleaned.

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Allow the shoes to soak for 2–5 minutes before scrubbing. This pre-soak helps to loosen up dirt and grime, making the subsequent scrubbing more effective.

Step 5: Scrub Gently

Hold your soft brush firmly and use gentle, circular motions to scrub the shoes. Start from the toe and work your way to the heel to ensure you don’t miss any spots.

Some areas like the sides or certain patches may have stubborn stains. Dedicate extra time to these parts, but keep your scrubbing gentle to avoid damaging the material.

Every once in a while, rinse your brush in a separate container of clean water. This helps to prevent redepositing dirt back onto the shoes.

Step 6: Rinse and Dry

Lift each shoe out of the cleaning solution and rinse them thoroughly under a stream of clean water. Make sure all soap suds are removed, as leftover soap can attract more dirt later on.

Using a clean towel, pat the Astral shoes dry. Focus on absorbing as much water as possible without rubbing the material, as rubbing might cause damage or fading.

Step 7: Air Dry

Select an area with good air circulation but out of direct sunlight and away from heaters or other heat sources. Excessive heat or direct sunlight can cause the material to crack or colors to fade.

If you have shoe trees, insert them into your Astral shoes to help them maintain their shape as they dry. If not, crumpled newspaper works as an effective alternative.

Every couple of hours, turn the shoes to ensure all sides dry evenly. Depending on the humidity, it may take up to 24 hours for your Astral shoes to fully air dry.

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Before wearing or storing, double-check that the shoes are completely dry. Any residual moisture could lead to unpleasant odors or mildew.

For more articles on how to wash, click here: How to Wash: Your Comprehensive Guide to Clothing and Fashion Care

Conclusion: How to Wash Astral Shoes

Washing Astral shoes can prolong their life and keep them looking their best. With this guide, you should be well-equipped to handle this task. Happy cleaning!