How to Wash Best Friend’s Dog Bed: A Complete Guide

If you’ve searched “how to wash best friend’s dog bed”, you’ve come to the right place. A clean bed not only smells fresh but also keeps your pet free from dirt, allergens, and parasites. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the entire process.

How to Wash Best Friend's Dog Bed
From by Sarah Chai

Why Washing Your Best Friend’s Dog Bed is Important

Regularly washing your best friend’s dog bed prevents the build-up of bacteria, dirt, and odors. This creates a more pleasant living space for both you and your pet.

Things You’ll Need:

Mild laundry detergent

Washing machine

Dryer or drying rack

Vacuum cleaner

Step-by-step Guide on How to Wash Best Friend’s Dog Bed

Here are the steps you’ll need to take to wash the dog bed…

Step 1: Remove the Cover

Before you begin the cleaning process, you need to remove the cover from your best friend’s dog bed. Many dog beds come with removable covers that are secured with zippers or Velcro fastenings.

Locate the zipper or fastening and gently unzip or unfasten it, making sure you pull apart the fastener evenly to avoid getting the fabric caught or tearing it.

Once it’s fully unzipped or unfastened, carefully slide the cover off of the inner cushion, turning it inside-out if necessary to make the removal easier.


If the zipper is stuck, don’t force it. You can lightly rub a pencil’s graphite tip along the zipper’s teeth to make it glide more smoothly. Always handle the cover gently to prevent any tears, especially if the fabric is delicate.

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Step 2: Pre-Treat Stains

Now that the cover is removed, inspect it closely for any visible stains. Stains can come from various sources like food, mud, or even your pet’s saliva. If you do find stains, pre-treating them will make the washing process more effective.

Apply a pet-safe stain remover or a small dab of mild laundry detergent directly onto the stain. Use your fingers to gently rub the cleaner into the fabric. Let the stain treatment sit for about 5-10 minutes to break down the stain. This will prepare it for removal during the washing process.


Always test a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to ensure the stain remover does not discolor or damage the fabric. For stubborn stains, you may need to repeat the pre-treatment process.

Step 3: Vacuum the Bed

Before proceeding to the wash, it’s essential to vacuum both the cover and the inner cushion of the bed. Use a handheld or regular vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment for the most effective cleaning.

Start by vacuuming the cover, paying special attention to seams and corners where dirt and pet hair tend to accumulate.

Once the cover is done, move onto the inner cushion. Vacuum it thoroughly on both sides to remove as much loose dirt, hair, and debris as possible.


If your vacuum cleaner has different suction settings, use a moderate suction setting to avoid damaging the fabric.

If the bed has any buttons, badges, or other embellishments, be careful when vacuuming around them to prevent dislodgment or damage.

Step 4: Wash the Cover

After pre-treating stains and vacuuming, the next step in our guide on how to wash your best friend’s dog bed is to clean the cover. To do this, place the cover inside your washing machine, ideally without any other items to ensure thorough cleaning.

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Add a mild, pet-safe laundry detergent to the detergent compartment. Opt for liquid detergent if possible, as it tends to dissolve better in cold water.

Select the gentle or delicate cycle on your machine and use cold water for the wash. Cold water is less harsh on fabrics and decreases the likelihood of shrinkage.


For added cleanliness, you can include an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent is completely removed. If your washing machine has an agitator, consider placing the cover in a mesh laundry bag to prevent it from getting wrapped around the agitator and damaged.


Never use bleach or harsh chemicals during this process. These can weaken the fabric and could be harmful to your pet’s skin.

Step 5: Wash the Inner Cushion

The inner cushion may or may not be machine washable, so it’s crucial to check the care label or manufacturer’s guidelines before proceeding.

If the inner cushion is machine-washable, you can simply put it in the washing machine and wash it using the same settings you used for the cover: gentle cycle and cold water. Make sure to add a pet-safe, mild detergent.

If the inner cushion is not machine-washable, you’ll need to spot clean it. Fill a basin or sink with cold water and add a small amount of mild detergent.

Use a soft cloth to gently scrub the areas of the cushion that are soiled. Rinse the cloth and repeat the process until you’ve covered all the stained areas. Once done, rinse the cushion thoroughly to remove all detergent residues.


If your inner cushion has a foam insert, make sure to squeeze out as much water as possible after rinsing. You can also use a towel to blot it dry.

For cushions with stubborn odors, adding a cup of vinegar to the wash can be effective. Make sure to do an extra rinse to remove any vinegar smell.

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Step 6: Dry the Bed

Once you’ve successfully washed both the cover and the inner cushion, drying is the next crucial step in how to wash your best friend’s dog bed. You have two primary options: air-drying or using a machine dryer.


If you choose to air-dry the bed, find a well-ventilated area where you can lay it out. This could be outdoors in a shaded spot, or indoors near a window or fan. Make sure to flip the cover and cushion periodically to ensure even drying.

Machine Drying

If you’re using a machine dryer, select the lowest heat setting to prevent any shrinkage or damage to the fabric. Add a couple of dryer balls or clean tennis balls to help fluff up the cushion as it dries.


If you’re air-drying outdoors, avoid direct sunlight as it can fade the fabric. Check the care label for any specific drying instructions or limitations.


It’s essential to ensure that the bed is completely dry before allowing your pet to use it again. A damp bed can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, posing health risks to your dog.

Step 7: Reassemble the Bed

Once the cover and inner cushion are completely dry, it’s time to put the bed back together. Lay out the inner cushion on a flat surface, making sure it retains its original shape. Then, carefully slide the cover back over the cushion.

It might be easier to do this by turning the cover inside out, fitting it over one end of the cushion, and then gradually pulling it over the rest. Once the cover is in place, zip or fasten it back up securely. Now, the bed is refreshed, clean, and ready for your best friend to enjoy once again.


If the zipper or fasteners are stiff, you can use a silicone-based lubricant to make them easier to operate. Gently fluff the cushion by patting it down evenly to distribute the filling, ensuring maximum comfort for your pet.

For more articles on how to wash, click here: How to Wash: Your Comprehensive Guide to Clothing and Fashion Care

Conclusion: How to Wash Best Friend’s Dog Bed

Learning how to wash your best friend’s dog bed is a simple but essential task for keeping your pet healthy and your home clean. By following these steps, you can ensure a clean and comfortable resting place for your furry companion.