How to Wash Expensive Clothes in Washing Machine: A 6-Step Guide

If you’re wondering how to wash expensive clothes in washing machines without damaging them, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step to ensure the longevity and quality of your valuable garments.

How to Wash Expensive Clothes in Washing Machine
From by RDNE Stock project

Preparing the Clothes

Before you even consider turning on your washing machine, it’s essential to prepare your expensive clothes for washing.

Step 1: Read the Care Label

Always start by reading the care label on each garment. This will give you crucial information on what kind of wash and detergent are suitable.

Step 2: Sort the Clothes

Sort your clothes by color and fabric type. This helps to prevent colors from bleeding and to ensure that like materials are washed together.

Step 3: Use the Right Detergent

Choose a detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics. Liquid detergents are generally better than powders as they dissolve more easily.

Step 4: Choose the Correct Cycle

Select a delicate or hand-wash cycle on your washing machine. This ensures that your clothes are not subject to rough agitation.

Step 5: Check for Suds

Midway through the wash, pause the machine to check for excessive suds. Too much can leave a residue on your clothes.

For more articles on how to wash, click here: How to Wash: Your Comprehensive Guide to Clothing and Fashion Care

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Step 6: Dry Properly

Avoid high-heat settings on your dryer, or air-dry your clothes by laying them flat on a clean towel.

How to Wash Expensive Clothes in Washing Machine: Conclusion

By following these steps, you can effectively learn how to wash expensive clothes in a washing machine without causing any damage. Remember, proper care can extend the life of your valuable garments.